The 44th annual Shad’s R&R for muscular dystrophy raised $175,000 in its latest event, bringing the all-time total to $4.8 million.
The event was held at the Station Creek Golf Club in Gormley, Ont., north of Toronto on June 8.
More than 200 members of the automotive aftermarket took part in a day of golf before heading inside for a dinner banquet where they could also bid in a silent and live auction, and win prizes via a draw.
The crowd also heard from Christina Massad, who told her story of being diagnosed with muscular dystrophy at age 13, after noticing previously easy tasks like walking up a set of stairs became too much of a challenge. The disease was a mystery to her and her family. They had no idea what it was. “There’s no one in my family that is affected by the condition.”
She thanked everyone in attendance for their support, even though the disease may not be one of the most common or well-known causes, such as cancer.
“People just have amazing hearts, and you see that in this room,” she said, recognizing that so many people took time out of their day to help raise money for the cause. “We have no words. People like me, families like mine that have been touched by Muscular Dystrophy Canada, there simply are not enough words in the English dictionary to say thank you for your continued generosity and your support.”
Brad Shaddick, Shad’s chairman, noted the importance of the event, saying it brings everyone together, even if they are competitors in the automotive aftermarket.
“I think that you will agree that Shad’s is a very unique event,” he told the crowd. “It’s a fun day when we set all business issues aside, and competitive issues aside, in order to join forces and focus on the bigger cause of finding a cure for muscular dystrophy.”
Shad’s is the largest single day fundraiser in the automotive aftermarket.
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