Auto Service World
News   January 14, 2020   by Allan Janssen

EYE SPY: Hole-y unfit for the roads!


Steve Hackett, owner of Paragon Auto Service in Saskatoon, Sask. sent in this scathing indictment of the lack of mandatory safety inspections. “Unfortunately, this is what is on the roads without inspections,” he wrote. The 1979 Cordoba was towed in for an overheating issue (on a day when temperatures outside never got above minus 25 C!) but the overheating issue was far from its only problem. Corrosion had completely eaten away much of the back end and left many substantial holes in the floor of the vehicle. “We explained to him the issue but I don’t think he understood how bad it is,” Steve said. “So we called Vehicle Safety Standards and they pulled the insurance. He can no longer drive it.  Thank god!”

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