Auto Service World
News   August 29, 2019   by Allan Janssen

N.S. police raise the alarm over phoney MVI stickers

Police in Nova Scotia say they found 27 fake motor vehicle inspection (MVI) stickers during multiple spot-checks on Halifax and Dartmouth roads last week.

The traffic blitz also discovered 20 legitimate MVI stickers that had exired.

In all, some 94 tickets were written and 29 vehicles towed away.

But it is the phoney stickers that really concerns them.

“Even one false MVI is a road safety issue because, keep in mind that, from what we have found anyway, these sell anywhere from $180 to $250,” said Sgt. Monier Chediac of Halifax Regional Police Traffic Services in a CTV report that you can view HERE. “And so, a lot of times, if someone is buying a sticker at that cost, it’s to bury or conceal more significant issues – sometimes in the thousands of dollars.”

Half of the 27 vehicles had bald tires or faulty brakes. One had a rusted-out frame.

Years ago, annual motor vehicle inspections were required across Canada, but now Nova Scotia is the only one that still requires inspections every two years.



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5 Comments » for N.S. police raise the alarm over phoney MVI stickers
  1. Rick says:

    Is the problem in Nova Scotia related to trucks and commercial vehicles or are they required to have stickers on their passenger vehicles as well ?
    Good job catching !!
    Where there are 27 there are 100’s though .

  2. Bob Ward says:

    My concern is the provinces that have a significantly larger number of registered vehicles on the road dodging this biennial inspection process. As a shop owner I see many unsafe vehicles come in to our shop and leave not repaired. We could be held liable in some way. When will someone at the MTO take action? Will it take a tragedy to start the ball rolling?

  3. jean-paul Belliveau says:

    1- who is responsible if they are in accident if that sticker is illegal ?
    2- why does the department of transportation only ask for the assurance card for renewing plate not MVI sticker
    3 -why are people still driving with a rejected MVI for two week and no ones is doing about it?! And why are they allowed to repair their cars by themselves and we, as licensed techs, have to reinspect that car at no charge and put our name and number on their work?
    4- why is the MVI not electronically connected so police would know what shop and what techs did the inspection
    5- How is a two-year inspection interval good for everyone? One person might do 20,000 km per year and another might do 60,000 km per year. The wear and tear is not the same!
    There are a lot of issues around the MVI. There should be something in place to protect our licensed techs!

  4. Concerned Nova Scotian says:

    I have a nephew who Was working on car for Months, he lost his car over a rattling Exhaust, he now is in Hospital over Attempted suicide, as with out his car He lost his job, and his Apartment. Over an exhaust rattle. That was fine Until He hit a stupid Pot Hole. Good Job Cops. Maybe they should be doing random checks and fining the Government for Unsafe Roads Not Cars.

  5. Bruce says:

    In my opinion. The Safety Inspection Stickers are only as good for the poor conditions of our NS highways which are all in poor condition. Ask anyone who drives what they think of the road conditions. Example. Alberta does not require safety inspections

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