Comments on: How much the tech shortage is costing Reaching Canada's Automotive Aftermarket Industry Tue, 05 Sep 2023 19:36:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry brian Larratt Tue, 05 Sep 2023 19:36:38 +0000 Just from the $ numbers quoted here, the solution is obviously straightforward.
If the dealerships can earn another 4-500 K a year, put a 100 k of that directly on top of what the techs already make.. Both parties win, The dealers make a lot more money, the techs get a better share, and you will have a LOT more people entering the trade.
There is a big reason why I decided to become self employed for the last 40+ years of my career. I love the trade, but the employee-employer dynamics have always been out of kilter

By: Tim Leslie Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:42:55 +0000 Alex is correct.
We have a specialized shop.
We have a labour rate that enables Us to pay good salaries.
Education starts young in schools…
The curriculum in schools should include the ability to learn not only tech but also a hands on skill.
We need to be less pessimistic and deal with the elephant in the room.
Todays politicians collect Our it theirs and throw it back to the Bling….
Looks good on the outside but not alot of substance inside!!!
That is pessimistic because it will be a Hard Fix!

Go Jays Go!!!

By: Alex Tue, 29 Aug 2023 18:49:01 +0000 The main problem with the automotive trade from what I’ve seen, is that on one hand the shops and dealerships are crying about the shortage of people in the trade but then on the other hand they don’t want to pay a decent rate to attract/keep people, on top of the massive investment by techs required to be in the trade. I just had an interview at a dealership and they wanted to pay me less on flat rate than what I’m currently making hourly.
