Auto Service World
News   May 22, 2020   by Allan Janssen

Urban shops hardest hit by pandemic

Urban repair shops in the United States appear to be suffering the biggest drop in business as a result of Covid-19 prevention measures.

A survey conducted by Ohio-based IMR Inc. found that 91.5% of urban repair shops reported a significant decrease in revenue, compared to 85.4% of suburban shops and 73.8% of rural shops.

However, urban shops are reporting fewer supply chain issues. Asked how frequently they experience a disruption in getting parts, 20.5% answered “frequently” or “very frequently.” By comparison, 27% of suburban shops, and 30.4% of rural shops answered that way.

Overall, the survey of 400 repair shops in the United States, conducted May 5 -11, found that 25.8% of shops had frequent or very frequent supply chain issues.

The top reasons for sourcing new suppliers during disruptions were availability of parts (49.4%), faster delivery required (27.1%), and regular supplier closed (14.1%).

Despite supply chain issues, shops remained largely loyal to their preferred brands, with most shops reporting that they rarely or never switched brand.


Read the full report HERE.


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