Auto Service World
News   April 16, 2020   by Allan Janssen

Uni-Select / Bumper to Bumper donate PPE

Uni-Select says it is humbled by the work of “guardian angels” in the Canadian health care system to keep Canadians safe from coronavirus.

In response, the company and its Bumper to Bumper Canada banner have donated thousands of N95 respirators to various Canadian provinces in the past few days to support healthcare professionals and local hospitals.

“These are unprecedented times and we are all humbled by the great dedication and sacrifice demonstrated by our guardian angels during the pandemic,” said Brent Windom, president and CEO of Uni-Select Inc. and president and COO of the Canadian Automotive Group.

“We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the heroes who are protecting us all. At Uni-Select and Bumper to Bumper Canada, we are glad that we were able to contribute by donating 19,000 N95 respirators, and I want to especially thank the members of the Uni-Select COVID-19 Task Force for their idea and for making it happen.”


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